Roots in the Community, exhibition of textile art by Heather Clarke at Yogaroots studio, Rue Le Titien 46, 1000 Bruxelles
17 & 18 September 2022 from 12.30 – 18.30
24 September 2022 from 12.30 – 16.30
or by appointment
Sensing our Roots yoga session at 11h on Sunday 18 September
In the context of the exhibition Susie is offering a yoga session on car-free Sunday from 11h-12h entitled ‘Sensing our Roots’. Space at the Studio and online, donations for Roots ASBL. Sign-up for the yoga class here
Heather Clarke is a British Belgian artist making pictures in fabric. Embroidering by hand and sewing machine, she uses thread and appliqued cloth to build her images. Living in a 6th floor flat in the European Quarter she turned to stitching during the pandemic. Sewing and yoga helped to keep her balance.
Initially her pictures attempted to capture the strange, upside down world we were living in. Later pictures based on family photos were a way of connecting with her daughter, who lives in Brazil. Gradually, as the world opened up Heather’s attention was drawn to the way the local community got together again.
“The street garden project in my neighbourhood was an inspiration for the way it brought neighbours together. Once planting started passers-by were so positive and wanted to get involved.
“I am fortunate to live in an area of exceptional domestic architecture and Avenue Brabanconne also has the rare and extraordinary Metasequoia trees. I enjoy bringing these elements together in my work using recycled and donated fabrics.”
Heather’s work is for sale. She is donating a 3rd of the sale price to the Community Kitchen, an ASBL project providing healthy meals to hungry, homeless people across Brussels.
Heather Clarke is available for:
- commissioned work,
- textile workshops.
Contact her by email hjclarke2002 (at) and do checkout her work on Instagram hjclarke2002