Touching the Earth

Sunday 20 October 10h30-13h00
In person, online & recorded
40 Euros

Sign-up here

It is said that the Buddha on the night of his enlightenment touched the earth when he was flooded with doubts and fears. Inspired by this image, the workshop we will invite us to explore our relationship with the Earth.

We will look from different perspectives:

  • How does the body relate to ground ? How are our movements supported by this contact ? What comes back from the ground when we yield ?
  • How does the earth stabilise our emotions ? Grounding and steadying for the central nervous system;
  • How can our relationship with earth be sustainable, nourishing in both directions?
  • What makes us forget our deep connection with earth and how to remember or revive ?

There will be time for reflection and enquiry, and integrating this into an embodied practice of movement and meditation.

All are welcome!

“Be aware of the contact between your feet and the earth. Walk as if you are kissing the earth with your feet.”
Thich Nhat Hanh